Tug Toys
Visit the Tuggies Shoppe to find a hand made fleece tug toy for you and your dog to create some fun with.
Continue reading →Visit the Tuggies Shoppe to find a hand made fleece tug toy for you and your dog to create some fun with.
Continue reading →Today, while training, we had a visit from a butterfly. What a magical beauty she is! I visited a local nursery last weekend. They have bi-annual sales where during those weekends, they have bar-be-ques and drinks, and all their plants … Continue reading →
Luigi and I went to Telemundo NBC studios on Tuesday. Why? Because Luigi had an audition for a Spanish language soap opera. Luigi is a ham, and his ham-ness came out on Tuesday, too. Thankfully. He walked onto the lot … Continue reading →
Raven was fantastic in class tonight. I took only her, and worked her on some crate games 15 minutes before class began. Then we tugged and she offered her new trick, sit on her back end like she’s begging. I … Continue reading →
Tonight was our first agility class and it was great. I am sure everyone came out of class with their own twists on what to take home and practice with their own dogs. The main thing I came out of … Continue reading →
I arrived at work on time this morning, 30 minutes early. Well, actually, 40 minutes early if you figure I would be at least 10 minutes late normally. (This was so I could leave 30 minutes early to take a … Continue reading →
I mowed what I call “my lawn” today at lunch time, and tonight my sinuses are hurting. I guess my allergies to the green stuff are kicking in more and more. Wow! No fun. I am on Zyrtec and steroid … Continue reading →
Raven and I went to a fitness seminar for dogs a couple weekends ago. It was raining when we arrived, and it was hot and muggy. But the rain clouds helped beat out some of the heat. It got … Continue reading →
Today when I let my dogs out for their lunch break, Dudley ran out after Bunny and grabbed her rubber ring. She wouldn’t let go, and Dudley was tugging. Well, I don’t think it was tugging, as much as his … Continue reading →
Here are some snippets of clicker training I’m doing with Australian Shepherd Dudley and Doberman Raven. We are working on Silvia Trkman style pivot heeling, and Dudley is learning to tug as well as cross your paws.
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