The Weekend at a Glance
This sounds weird to me, but this weekend dragged. I think it was the lack of fun stuff. I didn’t really plan anything fun outside of buying Lotto tickets. (I won $5.) I planted an areca palm tree. I bathed the dogs, which is just about a weekly weekend event as I don’t bathe all in one weekend. I spread them out. And I sprayed them with Frontline. That spraying thing took the most out of me, and I had to partition that out to give myself a few hours in between. My hand can’t pump that much and even though I wore protective goggles, paper mouth mask I usually wear for mowing the weeds in the dirt (aka front yard), a baseball hat and extra special throwaway gloves that cost me triple and did not work (ugh!), I still feel like I got too much of the stuff on me. It was especially nice of the herding dogs to wipe themselves against my legs as I walked them over to the air dry area.
I did not take a picture of myself, and wish I had to show what I put on for this bi-annual event, but I did take some of the dogs who got spritzed.
First, someone decided to start wearing green early. She’s in an awful hurry to get to St. Patty’s day!
Then there are the goggles. I put them on the dogs as well as me when I’m spraying Frontline.
There’s just something about a dog in goggles…
that can cheer me up.
Except maybe the pitiful ones that look like this…
or the table corner gnawer (aka The Termite)…
Naw…they all make me smile.
I also made a video of Hibiscus eaters and one Papaya swiping munchkin. That papaya she stole was one of two from my tree that I actually thought I was going to get to eat. I still have not gotten to eat a papaya after several attempts at this papaya growing thing. Most of the time, the rats get them, or squirrels or some kind of varmint. This time, it was a Dobie. Oh well.
Thank goodness Monday’s just around the corner!
Very funny video! Hibiscus must really taste good! I think I’ll try one
Love the alien photos too!