Grub’s on!
Once upon a time, when there was Baby and Leissl and an older generation of Dobies in my house dinner was being made, the dogs would wait patiently on the side lines for me to finish prepping and serve them their meals. There wasn’t any impatience in the air. They knew the food was going to be served all in good time.
Then a second generation appeared, and they lack the patience that my older group had even as youngsters. It’s like some kind of impatient cosmic consciousness.
My big boy, Luigi, is an in-my-face kind of guy. So recently, I taught him when he stayed on his cushion in the living room while I was busy in the kitchen, I would walk out to him periodically with his favorite cookie – the Animal Cracker. That worked fine the first day. Thereafter, he went to the cushion, and before I had a chance to choose the “when” to take him a cookie, the demand barking started. This has been going on for several weeks now. I have to tell him to close the mouth if he wants treats. He can manage a closed mouth for somwhere a 60-second range. That could be 3 seconds or 50 seconds, but he blasts me with his big mouth barking if I’m not fast enough with the treats. He should try serving treats while making dinner. It’s not as if I can drop everything anytime I wanted to just to walk out there and hand him over a cookie. Yet, the simple fact is that the world revolves around Luigi. In his mind, that is.
So now, I have this mixture of the patient and impatient. Every night, we go through the same routine, and every night, some of my little family calmly waits for the same ol’ same ol’, while the others act as if it were the first time they were ever fed. What a mix!